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Security has become more important than ever, with growing IoT devices and widespread ransomware that has become one of the most and damaging threats that Internet users face.


The changing shape of the corporate network has also meant a change in the way it is managed, with performance and application management becoming increasingly prevalent. With more BYOD, the size of Wi-Fi deployments is also increasing.


The hybrid cloud, the use and management of a mixture of internal and external cloud services, is the central focus of virtualisation in recent years. Hybrid cloud technologies are enabling users to access information from any device in more cost effective means.

Erez Yearot

The only person you’ll need for all your technology needs. I have been in the IT industry for over two decades.  I specialise in quickly diagnosing technology related issues and optimising network architecture and performance.  Having over 20 years of knowledge, often spending just 1 -2 hours with new clients solves problems they have had for years.

After successfully selling a domain name and website hosting company of over 11 years in 2012,  I have built a small team of professionals and our full focus is assisting our clients to have a great and smooth technology experience in their daily work.


No job is too small or too big.  Our  support spans from your desktop, to your network,  your physical or virtual server, your internet gateway/firewall and everything in between. From 1 to 1000 staff environments.


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